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Visiting Bologna


Visiting Bologna

The capital of Emilia Romagna is affectionately nicknamed in many ways, reflecting its popularity and the affection it holds in people’s hearts.

It is one of the most visited cities in Italy, both for its present – marked by fervent initiatives and events – and for its past rich in art and history.

A Walk in the Center

A stroll through the historic center is full of charm. On Piazza Maggiore, the hub of social life in Bologna, stand magnificent buildings like the 13th-century Palazzo del Podestà and Palazzo d’Accursio, leading to Piazza Re Enzo, where the famous Neptune Fountain (or the Giant) is located.

The Two Towers

Walking along Via Rizzoli, you reach the Two Towers, which tower majestically over the city: the Asinelli Tower and the Garisenda Tower, which have become the symbols of Bologna. From here, you can take Via Zamboni, the renowned university street.

City of Porticos and Learned City

The historic center of Bologna is directly connected to the Basilica of San Luca, which is located just above on the Colle della Guardia, through a long series of evocative porticos. With approximately 40 km of porticos, Bologna is also known as the “city of porticos.”

Bologna also proudly bears the flattering title of the Learned City as it is home to the first university in Western Europe, the Alma Mater Studiorum founded in 1088, which sparked many of the most important cultural currents of the past and is renowned for hosting famous students such as Pascoli, Carducci, and Pier Paolo Pasolini.

The Theaters of Bologna

The cultural soul of the city is well expressed by the many theaters located here, capable of satisfying the curiosity and tastes of the most demanding guests.

Relative to the hotel’s location, they are easy to reach:

Bologna to Taste

In Bologna, every dish is a journey into the rich Emilian culinary tradition. Our city offers an unforgettable gastronomic experience.

As you can see, there are many reasons to visit Bologna, return often, and stay longer as a starting point for a journey into its many wonders!

Only if you book through the website do you get free benefits:

  • 2 bus tickets per person
  • room available until 2 PM

Only if you book through the website do you get free benefits:

  • 2 bus tickets per person
  • room available until 2 PM